In these pages you’ll meet an investigator tackling an apocalyptic mystery, a Cold War reporter pursuing terrors beyond understanding, a working stiff thrust into an impossible dilemma, a team of Moderns pitted against an ancient evil, one soldier who seeks immortality in death and another who’s outlived his usefulness. You’ll share the struggles of a scholar tempted with a terrible choice and counter-revolutionary fighting a lost and lonely war of the mind.
- Beta Geminorum
- Reign of Terror
- Strange Matter
- Izcacus
- Anacyclosis
- Elegy for the Locust
- Robber Council
- Good Friday
Of note, “Anacyclosis” serves as a foretaste of Brian’s upcoming mecha/Mil-SF novel series Combat Frame XSeed. Also, “Elegy for the Locust” fills in a bit of the Dragon Award winning Soul Cycle’s backstory, including the origins of a major faction in The Secret Kings.